Serve At FBC

Our next Serving Slidell Day is October 13 ~ 8am to 12pm  Meet at the Slidell Trailhead, Tammany Trace to handout water bottles.

Listed below are some of the ways you can use the gifts God has blessed you with to make much of His name & Glory here at FBC.

Adult Ministry
Our commitment at FBC Slidell is to lead people into a growing Christ-Centered relationship with Jesus by providing an adult ministry of Bible Study, fellowship, care and encouragement. Sunday Morning Bible Study classes are the core of this ministry.
PreSchool Ministry
The mission of First Baptist Church Preschool Ministries is to work alongside parents to “
Train up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6)  “To lay a spiritual foundation in a loving and accepting environment, as we prayerfully consider the uniqueness of each child.
“LIFT…. Ladies in Faith Together” Ladies Ministry
We are a Christ-centered group focused on discipling other ladies towards their maturity in their walk with Christ.  We have many areas for women of our church to volunteer:  before and after Bible Study set up, visiting shut-ins, providing meals for the sick or those who have lost loved ones, and mission projects.
Children’s Ministry

“Our mission is to offer a Christ-centered Children’s Ministry designed to impact children and families with the love of Christ and with God’s Word.”

Our purpose in HisKIDS is to provide opportunities for Children and Preteens to experience the love of Christ in an environment where the focus is learning God’s Word because it is through God’s Word that lives are changed (2 Tim. 3:16).

Student Ministry

Our mission is to help students grow “spiritual roots” allowing God to become their stability and sustainer. We realize that to be great witnesses for Christ, we must have our foundation firmly established in who He is.

As a Student Ministry we are devoted to this process of growing deep roots. We accomplish this by developing a love for God’s Word, being devoted to prayer, worshiping together, spending time with other believers, sharing our faith with those around us and serving our community and those in need.

Building and Grounds Ministry Team

Our Building and Grounds volunteers work weekly with our maintenance and custodial crew to maintain the beauty of our facility.  Volunteers are needed in all areas from inside maintenance to landscaping. 


Our 55+ is a ministry and outreach to senior adult members of our church and the community.  We meet the last Friday of each month.  Our meetings include a presentation of God’s word, a delicious lunch served by our kitchen staff, and time for fun and fellowship. Greeters, entertainers, speakers,and servers are always needed.